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of products and services.”
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  • SwineRation PremixesVitamin-mineral Premix

Mineral vitamin premix especially desgined for the rations of swine during pregnancy, lactating, growing and finishing stages.
Vitamin supplement. This product offers every possibility of including the vitamins required for optimal production, adjusted to reach the highest production index.
Mineral premix used as a complement to Micromix Omega. Complete formula based on feed grade minerals.
Vitamin premix for swine.
Mineral supplement especially formulated for breeders.

  • SwineRation PremixesMicromix MacroMax Ca+P Line

Supplement prescribed for intensive finishing stages when looking for high performance production values.
Supplement prescribed for replacement gilts feeding programs.
Supplement prescribed for pregnant sows feeding programs. It takes into account the requirements established by the most demanding providers of genetic lines.
Supplement especially formulated for lactating sows. It meets the requirements demanded by the most prestigous suppliers of genetic lines.
Supplement prescribed for intensive growing stages when looking for high performance production values.

  • SwineFeed and concentratesPERFECTO Line

35% concentrate prescribed to prepare phase 3 feed.
Complete feed for piglets from 42-53 days of age.
Complete feed for suckling piglets and ultra-early weaning.
10% concentrate prescribed to prepare Phase 4 feed.
Micro pellet feed for piglets from 21 to 30 days of age.
Complete feed for piglets from 53-70 days of age.
Micro pellet feed for piglets from 30 to 41 days of age.
Complete micro pellet feed for studs.

  • SwineMycotoxin control

Zeotox adbsorbs the mycotoxins present in the balanced meals given to the different species.
Mycofix® Plus MTV combines 3 exclusive and unique strategies to counteract mycotoxin presence in animals.

  • SwineRation PremixesSpecial Premix Line

Complete premix to formulate High Productivity feed for Lactating Sows during periods of low feed intake situations or summer season.
Supplement especially formulated for lactating sows.
Supplement especially formulated for the growing stages.
Supplement especially formulated for the finishing stages.

  • SwineRation PremixesMicromix Max Line

Vitamin mineral supplement for pregnant sows.
Vitamin mineral supplement for lactating sows.
Vitamin mineral supplement with added drugs for swines in growing stages.
Vitamin mineral suppliment with added drug for swines in finishing stages.

  • SwineNutritional Additives

Enzyme additive for swine and pultry.