Nicarbazin based coccidiostate. Nicarbazin is the drug of choice due to its coccidiostatic action and its slowness in the formation of resistent Eimerias strains. Despite its efective control of pathogenic Eimeria species, Nicox does not interfere in the development of the coccidiosis inmunity.
Broilers: 500 gr/tn of feed. A premix of 0,5% of the final weight along with other products (e.g nuclei, aminoacids, etc) is recommended before incorporating it to the final mix. CONTRAINDICATIONS: Do not administer to layers or breeders.
Precautions must be taken when exposed to high environmental temperatures. Do not administer simultaneously with other coccidiostates. Do not administer simultaneously with tiamulin based treatments.
7 days prior to slaughter.
Net Cont. 25kg